How Blockchain will Impact the Fitness Industry

Technology specifically that dealing with blockchain is changing how our current generation approaches fitness and regular exercise.  It used to be that you had to join a gym to get advice from a fitness expert.  Nowadays, it would be best if you had a workout machine and a fitness subscription to access the best fitness content on your tablet. 

Blockchain technology allows fitness experts to store data in blockchain networks where users can pay a subscription fee or membership to access a collection of online fitness classes.  Therefore you no longer need to go to the gym to enjoy a good fitness class with one of the most renowned fitness gurus in your city.  There are several ways that blockchain technology is revolutionizing the health industry.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.  It is also popular in contracts and trade agreements. In lame man’s language, the technology involves secure public data and is confirmed by several users.  The result has permanent data storage that can’t be tampered with by anyone. 

Technology is now part of the fitness industry as more people look for new ways to stay fit in their busy schedules.  Fitness took a turn when Covid 19 hit, and more individuals opted for digital fitness platforms for workout solutions.  Now more than ever, blockchain has an essential role in the fitness industry as the technology for service delivery. 

When Did Developers Start Using Blockchain in the Fitness Industry?

In 2018, Forbes reported how developers were tapping into blockchain networks’ data storage capacity to store online fitness classes.  The report shared a decline in physical gym memberships and an uptake in online fitness class membership.  It seems that 2018 was the beginning of the blockchain revolution in the fitness industry. 

Over the years, developers have come up with numerous ways for blockchain technology applications in the fitness industry. More people have an online membership to a fitness app that gives them access to a vast collection of fitness classes.  Some of the classes involve exercises, while others cover the nutrition part of a healthy lifestyle. 

The use of blockchain technology for fitness applications doesn’t reduce the number of people who exercise daily.  It gives easy access to well-structured fitness classes for anyone looking to stay fit at home.  However, there are significant changes in the fitness industry because of the adoption of blockchain technology. 

How Does Blockchain Impact the Fitness Industry?

For the longest time, blockchain tech was applicable in the finance industry because of cryptocurrencies.  It later became part of the medical, healthcare, supply chain industry, and a few others before developers found a way to use it for fitness.  Although the most obvious use is for fitness applications, there are other applications for blockchain tech in the industry. 

Blockchain Network for Online Classes

Many fitness apps use the blockchain network to manage online classes.  Fitness instructors can create workouts and store them in the network.  Members in fitness apps can access the videos and additional content on-demand or through online lessons.  The network also plays a crucial role as a public network that can manage users’ access and membership fees. Transactions are easy to validate, and it minimizes the occurrence of fraudulent activities.  Fitness apps have an extensive database that can help with the management and distribution of content. 

  • Data Security 

The fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, according to the 2018 Forbes report.  An increase in the uptake for fitness apps and watches has seen the sector collect an immeasurable amount of data.  Users tend to log their steps, sleeping hours, sleep patterns, exercises, and workouts, among other things.  Moreover, most fitness apps come with GPS tracking for activities like running and walking.  Blockchain tech enables fitness apps to store all that data securely without exposing the sources. Additionally, all data is store anonymously to ensure that no one has access to personal information except the user. 

  • Flexibility

You no longer need to wait for your gym to open or a trainer to be free for you to have a workout session.  The easy access to fitness workout online allows individuals to work out at their convenience.  You can work out at 4 am before leaving for work if you have a long commute.  You can also workout in the middle of the night if you have a weird online work schedule. 

Moreover, most gym equipment like treadmills and stationary bikes are compatible with fitness apps.  They also have a slot where you can place your tablet and follow your workout conveniently.  The flexibility of accessing online training at any time makes it easier for people to work out often despite having busy schedules. 

  • Compensation for Fitness Data

Although data collected from fitness apps is anonymous, it is useful to third parties who want to see emerging industry trends. The data can show the average times adults sleep depending on the age groups, average steps people walk, the most preferred form of exercise, etc.  Blockchain tech allows users to get compensation for data that they generate from using some fitness apps. 

Some apps will offer “tokens” that users can use in the fitness apps store to buy products or services that enhance their fitness regimes. Others may have to compensate the users with cryptocurrency micro transactions for selling information.  The system creates transparency between the app users and developers. 

  • Simple Payments 

It is possible to pay for digital fitness classes through cryptocurrencies because they already use blockchain tech.  Transfer fees are so low, and it helps maintain anonymity for individuals who care about their privacy.  Cryptocurrencies are secure, and there is little risk of losing money to hackers. 

Negative Impacts

A few negative impacts have been happening in the fitness industry because of the transition to digital classes.  The negative effects are fewer than the positive ones, but some affect the well-being of people.  More people spend time staring at a screen, and digital fitness classes add to their time on screens. Here are some of the negative impacts on the industry. 

  • Fewer Physical Gym Memberships 

According to Forbes, in 2018, membership for physical gyms decreased, and the trends will keep increasing.  In 2020, people had to find ways to incorporate fitness into their life while maintaining social distance.  One of the most popular solutions was and still is a subscription to online fitness classes.  There is a steady decline in membership for physical gyms, and it has been the root cause for a lot of gyms closing down. Digital workout classes are increasingly convenient because of affordable gym equipment for personal use at home. Individuals can perform workouts in the comfort of their home with a membership to a fitness app. 

  • Low Industry Regulations

The cost of joining the blockchain network and offering fitness classes is so low that trainers can create their content with small budgets.  It has resulted in self-proclaimed fitness gurus being part of the fitness world and creating a huge following.  Not all online fitness classes meet the fitness standards that certified gym trainers could offer clients. 

Other unqualified individuals hire a great marketing team to make them famous and gain them sizable memberships for their fitness classes online.  Some fitness platforms vet the fitness instructors on their platforms, but others do not.  There is a risk of members risks getting injuries from following classes that are not well thought out.  Unlike in the traditional gym, injuries arising from an online fitness class are hard to substantiate since you can be told you didn’t follow the instructions correctly.  It is the responsibility of the user to research their instructors carefully before joining their online fitness classes. 

  • Less Social Interaction

Although the lessons feel real and users can interact with trainers live, people no longer interact in person during workouts. Physical gyms were a good source of socialization because members already have a common aim.  Also outdoor activities like hiking and training for competitions don’t happen in the gym anymore. 

There are digital workouts that include virtual reality simulation to give a user the feeling of being outdoors.  Therefore someone training for a 5K marathon can simulate several trails when running on a treadmill in their living room.  Traditionally, practice for a 5K involved a group of people going on trails to increase performance and motivate each other. 


Ten years ago no one could predict that the fitness industry won’t be defined by physical gyms but by online fitness platforms. Blockchain technology has transformed the industry, and there are still more changes to come.  The popularity of fitness gadgets and apps is one of the contributing changes that have transformed the fitness industry. 

More people want to be in charge of their health and fitness, which means that the role of blockchain technology grows every year.  As people keep tracking their fitness and creating custom fitness regimes, blockchain technology has become an essential means to provide fitness services to end-users. 

One of the best impacts of adopting blockchain tech in fitness is the flexibility of workouts and the data privacy users get.  The two motivate more people to opt for digital fitness classes than going to physical gyms.  However, the transformation is only beginning.