Does Mindset Impact Your Fitness?

People nowadays have started to realize that exercising regularly leads to a healthy life but many are starting to wonder does mindset impact your fitness?  There is more to life than having a healthy body.  Many of us have started to focus on improving our mindset and food habits for the holistic well-being of our body and mind. 


Mindset does affect your fitness level.  Psychoneuroimmunology studies the impact of feelings and thoughts on our health and resistance of our body to diseases. It highlights the connections between the two. There is a positive correlation between the health of the mind and body. People have become more conscious of what they look and feel these days and mindset plays are critical role in overall health. 


Training both body and mind to be in a better place has become a vital activity in many countries.  This applies to both the sexes and also across different age groups.  The importance of mental health is getting more attention than ever.  People suffering from depression may find it a herculean task to even get out of bed, leave aside exercising. 



In simple words, mindset comprises of a collection of beliefs. A person’s mindset decides how successful he or she is at something. There are 2 core mindsets, as explained by Carol Dweck, a professor, and psychologist, namely a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. 


A person with a fixed mindset would believe that his characteristics and abilities are restricted and their aims in life are unattainable.  On the contrary, if you are someone with a growth mindset, it means that you believe in your skills and abilities that can be changed or improved if you put in hard work.  A person with a growth or positive mindset is more likely to work on aims or goals to achieve them sooner or later. 


Fixed Mindset

You have a fixed mindset if:

  • Your abilities are fixed and unchangeable. 
  • You are risk-averse and you avoid circumstances with an unknown outcome. 
  • The moment obstacles come in your way, you give up or quit. 

When it comes to fitness your fixed mindset limits you from improving the opportunity.  Maybe as a child, you hated going to the gym and now, you still believe that you will hate it and so, you avoid your workouts.  Even though fitness is not fixed, your mindset is.  Your fixed & growth mindset lies on the opposite end-lines of the mindset scale. 


Growth Mindset

You have a growth mindset if:


  • You believe in improving your skills gradually over time. 
  • Challenges and obstacles are merely an opportunity for you to learn and be better.
  • You treat failure as a learning experience. 

Significance of mindset for your fitness plan

No professional athlete will deny that for a healthy lifestyle, exercise, diet and a healthy mindset play the most essential role. A positive mind allows us to focus on our exceptional fitness goals and helps us to achieve them.


Here is how you can develop your life by focusing on both mind and fitness – 

Do not expect to be perfect – There is a huge distinction between aiming for great goals and trying to be perfect. It is good to be ambitious but there will be mistakes on your way that must be embraced with optimism. Strive to be better, not to be perfect! 

Expect some setbacks – If you have a growth mindset, you will see challenges as an opportunity to improve but that does not mean you will not experience setbacks.  Setbacks are fine!  Nevertheless, you must get back on track and bounce back again. 


Celebrate your successes – You may not realize it now, but acknowledging your achievements is a sign of having a growth mindset.  There is no luck here! It is all your efforts and that needs appreciation and acknowledgment for all the dedication and hard work.  Celebrate and own your successes! 


With a growth mindset, you can bring out positive changes and improvements in your life. For that:


  • You need to believe that you are worth it and absolutely deserve to enjoy the rewards. 
  • It is important to give importance to your efforts and believe they are worth it. 
  • You need to believe that you are more than capable to do it. You may require an external push from your trainers or friends to achieve your goals but as long as you are aiming at achieving them, you are good to go! 

How to change from Fixed to Growth Mindset for fitness?


If you are willing to improve yourself for a better mind and body, follow the tips mentioned below: 

  • Modify the definition of workout – Most of us think workout means only running on a treadmill or lifting weights. These assumptions act as barriers. Working out involves only the movement of your physical body.  You can do this anywhere, not only at the gym.  Move about dancing to songs in your living and that is still a workout. 
  • Revise the mental script – Studies have proved that a growth mindset, that allows improvement for better, is more important than having a fixed mindset.  The latter focuses more on the natural qualities and does not want to bring about changes. Instead of focussing on what is there, focus on what can be done to make things better.  Acknowledge yourself, congratulate your progress, and do not dwell on negative ideas or thoughts. 
  • Focus not on exercise, but movements – The aim is to move and be more active.  It could be anything, climbing up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or taking a dance break from your work.  Movements get our minds to work along with the body. 
  • Do not forget how it feels to work out – Think more about how good you felt after the last work out when the endorphins were released, you felt a lot less stressed.  This helps you in sleeping better and clean your mind from impurities. Remember how it feels because that will drive you to the gym the next day. 
  • Fix small goals – Take baby steps! Nothing can be achieved overnight.  If it is the first time you are working out, aim for just 15 to 20 minutes a day.  Increase the time gradually once you get the hang of it. If the goals are manageable, there is more probability of you sticking to the routine.  People often make the mistake of taking on too much at the beginning. The aim to build the habit, not to get toned quickly and stop!
  • Develop a bit – Working out only during the weekends will not get you anywhere.  Be regular and work out several times a week. Take it slow but do it regularly.  Developing new habits is about being consistent.  If you are waiting for the time to work out, it may never take place.  On the other hand, if you are working out sporadically, it may lead to injuries. Improvise your workout. Make it a fun session.  Try out different activities like water dance, Zumba, self-defense, etc or simply go for a run or walk in a beautiful setting by the beach or lake. 
  • Try being mindful – Appreciate your body. Appreciate the effort you are putting to achieve your goals!  There are too many people on this planet who can not even move the way you can.  So, try to repeat motivating affirmations or mantras such as “motion is like lotion” or “let us get started right here right now.”
  • Begin with an end – Train your mind for a particular goal.  This can keep you motivated. For example, run or walk for charity.  It will make the path easier for you to reach the destination.



Mind and fitness are the two best friends! Both need attention and positivity.  If you are feeling sluggish, your mind should be strong enough to give you that push.  The growth mindset is extremely important for this push.

Remind yourself time and again about how good it felt the last time when you worked your heart out.  Regular exercise and cleansing your mind have many benefits.  It helps in reducing and controlling weight, removes negativity surrounding you, controls your blood pressure, strengthens bones and muscles, improves cardiovascular functions, fights depression and anxiety, boosts energy and libido, provides better sleep, and even reduces risks of cancers.


If you have been successful in improving your fitness regime by changing your mindset from fixed to growth, do not stop there. Educate others who are suffering and motivate them, allowing them to live a better life with a healthy mind and body. 

The goodness in you comes from a healthy mental and physical state.  Achieve the most with a growth mindset. Do not limit yourself because of others or the voice inside you.  Change that voice and motivate yourself and you are good to go!